Colton Parish Council Community Plan
Date of Publication: August 2024
Review Date: July 2025
Highways (HW)
Colton Parish covers an area of approximately 20 square miles, with 50 miles of mostly class B and C roads with a significant number being single track. Access is mainly from the south by the A590. You told us that safe and reliable access via the A590 trunk road, potholes, lack of gritting on B and C roads and speeding on minor roads were your major concerns. Extreme weather events are exacerbating the deterioration of our road network due to increased flooding, road blockages and road damage.
Using horsepower in daily life
A. Our relevant Powers
Whilst we have no formal powers for the maintenance of the road network, gritting, verge management or speed limits, we do employ a part-time Lengthsman. This role supports the safety of all road users by undertaking drain clearance, minor road repairs (on C and U roads only), sign cleaning and verge clearing at junctions, where it is safe to do so.
B. Our priorities based on what you told us:
- Continue funding our Lengthsman through the precept to maintain our roads including clearing drains, keeping signposts in good condition, and tidying roadside verges.
- Work with W&F Council to support the development of contracts with local farmers to grit and clear key access roads of snow.
- Subject to budget constraints, use our Highways’ powers to repair and maintain public footpaths and Bridleways and provide litter bins.
- Maintain an active list of key highways priorities and link with our local W&F Councillor and Highways contacts to expedite repairs.
- Communicate with parishioners so they know how to report potholes or other highways issues on the W&F Council Highways Information and Management system (W&F Council)
- With the support of Cumbria Police, we utilise speed indication devices in speeding hotspots with the aim to support revised speed restrictions.
- Monitor local grit bins (and where appropriate, grit heaps) and take report the need for replenishment to W&F Highways.
C. What we can support the community to do and how.
- Support local communities that wish to apply for appropriate 20 mph speed limits in their neighbourhoods.
- Publicise any consultations relating to highways maintenance, speeding restrictions or other highway safety issues.
- Support the community in applying for any appropriate TRO’s to reduce damage to unclassified metalled roads.
D. What we can seek to influence other agencies to do and how:
- Lobby the National Highways agency who are accountable for the A590 to improve its safety for road users.
- Lobby Westmorland and Furness Council to improve their highways maintenance, particularly potholes, gully clearing and the need to improve their management of verges, hedges, and roadsides.
- Work with highways to identify gaps in the provision of salt bins and salt heaps and their winter maintenance plans.
- Lobby to achieve speed restrictions where there is evidence of the need.