May news from Green Sparks

Apr 29, 2022


One for Gardeners or budding gardeners – Tuesday 4th May 7.30-8.30 free online (Zoom) session on Nature Friendly Gardening. You can sign up by following this link:

Have you checked your home’s energy rating? If not, have a look at

Lots of homes in our area have shockingly poor ratings, although if your house is cold, has condensation problems or unwanted drafts, you’ll be all too aware of this without knowing the official rating.

For case studies highlighting projects to improve the energy efficiency of older homes see:

The Energy Saving Trust has a guide to heat pumps – and lots of other really useful information. See:

Ofgem publishes a list of grant support and other help available to help people manage their energy costs or to make energy saving improvements. See:

Also worth looking at is Simple Energy Advice

We are still hoping to organise a local event focussing on energy. Covid etc has slowed us down, but we are now back to working on it. Your involvement could really help. If you’re interested, please get in touch.

Best wishes

Abigail, Lynda and Marion

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