Wellbeing & Mental Health during Covid-19
Covid-19 has now had a far reaching impact on people right across the world and it’s important during this time to take care of your mind as well as your body.
Everyone will be reacting in their own way. You might be feeling frustrated or lonely. Concerned about your finances, your health or relatives. And you might be feeling down, worried or anxious. It is OK to feel like this.
These are normal reactions to uncertainty and to challenging events.
Covid-19 has also impacted on many of the normal coping strategies we use to deal with stress, and on the everyday activity that underpins our emotional wellbeing. During this time, we may need to be more creative and thoughtful about how we look after ourselves.
Our Guide to looking after yourself and others contains practical information about things you can do now to look after your mental health and wellbeing, and how you can support others.
Check out the Covid-19 Pages on our website for more information.