Annual Parish Open Meeting 20th May

May 30, 2023

Colton Parish Council Logo

Parish Open Meeting

People from all across the Parish gathered at Rusland Reading Room on Saturday 20th May for the Parish Open Meeting. We were treated to presentations by Archie Workman, our amazing lengthsman and by Jonathan Brook, leader of Westmorland and Furness Council. We look forward to working with the new council and are heartened to hear they are looking at ways to give more on the ground powers to local communities.

A lively and thought-provoking discussion followed with topics including:

  • Green energy, solar power and embracing new technology as individuals and communities and how planning and other support can facilitate this.
  • Housing and the challenges of meeting the needs of existing residents, young people and people on low or middle incomes given the age and nature of much of the existing housing stock in our area. 
  • Balancing the economic benefits of tourism, including its contribution to the income of many local people, and the needs of the resident community and people who would like to make this area their home. 
  • Infrastructure to enable people to work in Colton helping to enable people of working age and with young families to live in the area.
  • The opportunities that improved connectivity will bring as fast and reliable broadband is rolled out locally via Project Gigabit.
  • Travel, transport, the conditions on our roads and the lack of alternative options forcing people into their cars – and solutions in terms of flexible bus services, safe ways to walk between local villages and managing traffic and road repairs.

All the ideas raised will be fed into our community plan consultation over the coming months.

Thanks to Carole Dickinson and family of Abbot Park Farm for the wonderful cake and traybake catering which was much enjoyed by everyone.

Thanks also to everyone who came along and all those who made event happen.

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