Bulky waste collections to be resumed

Jun 3, 2020

Large household items suitable for collection as bulky waste collections are being re-introduced in a limited form in South Lakeland after they were suspended at the end of March.

Right2Work (R2W), the council’s partner in providing the service, will be available for collections of large household items such as electrical goods and furniture. Bookings can be taken again by calling South Lakeland District Council on 01539 733 333 from Monday (1 June)

It has been necessary to introduce some temporary changes because of the coronavirus pandemic. Residents are being asked to note that:

  • Collections will only be possible from outside the house;
  • R2W operatives will not be able to enter properties (This is to reduce the risk to the R2W staff, and also to householders by reducing any risk of R2W operatives carrying the infection from inside one property to another);
  • Although collections will be from Monday to Friday, due to access restrictions at Kendal Fell waste transfer station there won’t be an option for evening or Saturday collections;
  • Collections cannot be made from a property where somebody has been in isolation during the previous two weeks.

The list of what can what can be collected is unchanged and can be found above and costs £31 for a single collection, of up to three items, extra items cost £8 per item, up to a maximum of 10 items.

Normally, all the items R2W collect are repaired, if possible, and offered for sale but for the moment all collected waste will go through waste disposal streams, which will vary depending on the type of item.

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