Colton area update

Mar 26, 2020

Cllr Bob Henson is coordinating activities in the area of Colton Church and environs, including Oxen Park where he has good links.  Bob says,

“I am in touch with most of the residents in the immediate area of Colton church through our regular social networking, also ….(a local person) has volunteered to help.

With respect to Oxen Park, it is usually well organised from a community perspective and I understand that ….(a villager) is undertaking a leading role in this.

I am available and willing to help anywhere in the Parish and beyond to collect shopping, medicines etc”

Please contact Bob via the website or the Clerk, if you want to offer help or support in this area and I am sure that he will gratefully accept it, equally please let him know if you need help or signposting to a particular agency and he will help where he can.

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