Community Plan Schools morning 24th May

May 30, 2023

Community Plan Schools Morning

On the 24th of May we were delighted to host 51 children from Leven Valley and Penny Bridge schools at beautiful Rookhow. The weather was perfect allowing us to both enjoy the experience of spending time in the 298-year-old Quaker Meeting Room and get outside into the sunshine. During the morning the children created the lyrics for a song with local storyteller and musician Steve Wharton. The song and poems also using words from the day will be performed by Owen Evans at the Rusland Show on 19th August. Following a warm up of music we spent time talking about the origins and history of the Rusland Valley area including the meaning of local place names and some amazing facts about local wildlife. Finally, we held a short ‘parliament’ giving the children the chance to talk about what they want for the future of the area. We particularly liked the cheese factory idea drawing on our rich meadowland and farming history.

A huge thanks to both schools for taking part in the session and we are delighted to now have plenty of material to start developing our ‘young people’s manifesto’ for our community plan.

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