Community Plan update

Jul 10, 2023

Cllr Abigail Bennett and Cllr Marion Brown spent two delightful hours at Leven Valley and Penny Bridge schools following up on the school’s day at Rookhow. After ‘co-opting’ the classes onto our Parish Council for the day they were very impressed with both the suggestions and the democratic discussions to agree priorities. Both schools came up with fabulous ideas, many centred around nature recovery and keeping our Parish clean and pollution free. They are currently combining the results into a Young People’s Manifesto which will be on display at Rusland Show (19th August) and included in our Community Plan. Not only that but a song with local lyrics created by the children will be performed at our tent at the Rusland Show, please come along, all welcome!

Our cabinet of curiosities project now has a finished cabinet built by the wonderful Mind in Furness group who visit Hay Bridge monthly for wellbeing and conservation activities. Now we need to start populating it with small objects, words or pictures that represent the special nature of our parish. We have handy additional display suitcases for larger items and in case our cabinet overflows. Please see our posters on the noticeboards for more information or contact Marion Brown ( if you have items to lend or if you have any questions.

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