Go Green, Save Energy!

Sep 20, 2022

Go green! Save energy!

Green Sparks invites you to our Green Energy Options discussion evening

7pm Monday 10th October at Rookhow Quaker Meeting House, Rusland LA12 8LA

Have you got or are you considering any of these?

  • air source heat pump
  • ground source heat pump
  • solar panels
  • PV panels with battery storage
  • heat recovery systems
  • electric vehicle charger

Hear about the first-hand experience of local people who have installed green energy technology in their homes and community buildings. Learn from each other. Share your knowledge. Ask questions. Discuss the issues.

All welcome! Free entry. Refreshments provided from 6.30pm. Booking is not essential, but if you can, please let us know you are coming. Email us at greensparks.sparkbridge@gmail.com

Driving to the event? Please consider car sharing if possible.

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