News from Rookhow

Dec 17, 2021

After our Open events in October, we’ve been busy with renovation work at Rookhow, helping to make the historic Grade II* 1725 building into a more accessible and sustainable community venue and place of worship. This will include installing an accessible toilet, renovating and insulating the stone floors and adding an air source heat pump and improved loft insulation. This has been made possible with support from Historic England, local and national charities, Bay Winds Energy Community Trust, Lakeland Disability Support and the Lake District Foundation’s low carbon grant. We hope the renovation work will be completed by mid-April 2022 and that we can welcome people to the Meeting House for the annual Good Friday 11am Quaker Meeting as well as the monthly Meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. Community groups have already booked to hire the space, in conjunction with the 12 acres of private woodland.

Rookhow’s volunteers have planted 600 hedge plants donated by the Woodland Trust. Over 1,500 volunteer hours have been given in 2021 and a strong community of helpers has been established. This is made up of local Quakers and local people from different denominations.

The Rookhow Retreat Away Fund, supported by the Quaker Mental Health Fund UK, has enabled mental heath groups to stay in the 16 bed bunk-barn, including The Well Communities, Lighthouse Community Mental Health Hub and Family Action Barrow. We are looking for further funding to continue this fund so more people can benefit from Rookhow’s simplicity, peace and beautiful woods. Rookhow bunk-barn is also available to hire for family holidays and activity groups and training.

The weekly online Epilogue on Mondays at 9pm has continued through lockdown and beyond, providing a quiet refection at the end of the day and a chance to make new connections. All are welcome. Details and Zoom link on the Rookhow website.

For more information or to arrange to come and look around, please contact Sue Nicholls, Rookhow Development Manager.


Tel 07557 919879


Rookhow is a registered charity. No. 1188409

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