Reporting potholes and other road issues!

Aug 6, 2021

We all complain from time to time about the state of the roads and lanes in the Parish, and Cumbria County Council have introduced a new on-line reporting system for potholes, crumbling road edges etc.  It appears to be a big improvement on the previous system and we would urge residents to use it.  You will see if ‘your’ pothole has already been reported and you will be able monitor progress towards it repair. It doesn’t get it repaired but it puts it on the list for Highways to get to, as and when resources and priorities allow.

It’s fairly straightforward if you follow the step by step instructions below:

Before you start you’ll need the following to report a problem:

  • The location of the problem (you can either plot the location on a map, use the closest postcode or what3words)
  • Photographs or supporting documents (if you have any)

To report a problem use the link here reporting a highways issue or, if you want to take the more adventurous route, search

When the site opens, put ‘Highways’ in the search box (at the top of the page)

Click on the  ‘Report a Highway Fault’ box

Click on ‘report a problem’, and continue

Choose the box that represents the problem eg. ‘A problem with a road’

Choose the box that represents the issue eg. ‘A pothole on the road’

Describe the problem in the box, and continue

Select the location, describe in more detail, and continue

Enter contact details (optional), and continue

Upload any photo evidence (optional), and continue


You get an email from CCC shortly after with an enquiry number and the opportunity to ‘track your progress’. Whether this leads to a repair though is another matter!

Any feedback will be welcome and passed on to Highways.

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