Rookhow new sign unveiling

Mar 19, 2020

Sue Nicholls, Development Manager sent the following account of the sign unveiling that took place on Wednesday 18 March at Rookhow Quaker Meeting House and Bunkbarn

“Hi everyone, here’s a few pictures and from today for those who were unable to join us.

A group of about 15 people, mainly locals from the Rusland Valley and some Rookhow volunteers, met outside Rookhow to hear about developments and to see the new sign being unveiled by Colton Parish Councillor David Hoyle.

Sue explained about guests finding it hard to find Rookhow and suggesting that we had a sign made.  Colton Parish Council kindly granted the money for Kez (Samara Henderson) to craft a sign based on a logo design by Toby Travis, from the local Quaker families weekends. Jack Holden from Mountain Oak woodcraft provided a beautiful piece of seasoned oak, of which he said “this must be the finest piece of oak in Cumbria!”

As David unveiled the sign he said, “Rookhow is one of the most important buildings in the Parish and it’s something we should really make more use of.”

Sue spoke on behalf of the oversight group to say that the sign was a visible reminder that Rookhow is open to the local community and should be seen as a local resource as well as welcoming Quakers and others from further afield.

We then had a look at the newly-found well and had a wander into the woods.

Thank you again to the Parish Council for their support and we look forward to showing people around the buildings at a later date.”

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