Rookhow news and events

Sep 6, 2021


A busy Summer at Rookhow with lots of bunkbarn guests, regular volunteer work parties and ongoing renovation work. Thanks to a grant from Historic England, the chimney has been rebuilt and more of the stone floors in the Meeting House have been restored. We are awaiting planning permission for the installation of an air source heat pump and adapting the side entrance to be wheelchair accessible, with accessible toilet facilities. We have funded several mental health groups to stay at Rookhow and enjoy the woodland. Further groups are being invited to apply (next deadline 1st October).

Following the success of our online activities during Covid, we are planning a few in person events before we close the Meeting House in mid-November for the next stage of renovation work. 

Thursday 23rd September10-11.30am Open Coffee Morning at Rookhow, especially for local people to come and have a look around. All welcome. Tea & coffee provided. Cakes welcome. 

Wednesday 6th-Friday 8th October Cop 26 Pilgrimage Retreat at Rookhow (residential), with Monthly Meeting for Worship on the Wednesday evening 7.30pm to which all local people are welcome.  Contact Sue for more details. If people from local churches would like to join the walks, we would love to hear from you.

Thursday 14th October 12noon-2pm Open Lunch (bring your own!) & short Quaker Meeting at 1-1.20pm, especially for local people 

Friday 10th-Sunday 12th December Volunteer hedge planting weekend at Rookhow (residential or join for the days)

For more details of our events or enquiries about bookings, please contact Sue Nicholls, Rookhow Development Manager

Email:  Tel 07557 919879


Postcode: LA12 8LA


We’re looking for a firm or individual to process the laundry for bunkbarn bookings at Rookhow, Rusland. Does anyone know of anyone who would be interested/ a good firm locally who could pick up and drop off? Please contact Sue Tel 07557 919879. Email:

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