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Temporary Prohibition of All Traffic – C5026 Newby Bridge – 17th June

Jun 4, 2024

A temporary prohibition of all traffic restriction has been put in place to allow Electricity North West to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 17th June 2024 and anticipated to take 5 days to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the restriction and any alternative routes which may be in place, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link 

Location: C5026 Newby Bridge, from a point approx. 175m north east of its junction with Woodlands Close, extending in a north westerly direction for approx. 220m.

Alternative Route: A suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted sections of C5026, U5056, C5027, B5285, A593, A5084, A5092 and A590.

N.B: due to the nature of the works it is not possible to maintain access for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists through the extents of the temporary road closure.

Access for Emergency Vehicles will not be maintained where required for the duration of these works.

Should you have any queries in relation to this temporary Order please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3306 or via the Westmorland & Furness Council website, quoting the reference TTROW/10356

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