Footpaths-Graythwaite Estate

Jul 31, 2023

Highways Act 1980 section 31(6) – Graythwaite Estate

We have received applications to deposit a Map and Statement, and a subsequent Declaration under the Highways Act 1980 section 31(6) in respect of rights of way admitted by the Graythwaite Estate.  More information about such declarations is available here Deemed Dedication of Rights of Way Section 31(6) Highways Act 1980 (

We are required by the Regulations to publicise applications to make deposits under section 31 (6) of the Highways Act.   I am therefore circulating the attached Notices to interested parties for information purposes. I have inspected the Definitive Map for the area and the public rights of way on the definitive map appear to be accurately reflected on the deposited map – the estate land is edged green and unshaded.

In essence – Graythwaite are acknowledging that only the RoW shown on the OS 1:25,000 map are accepted by them as public rights of way, and that they consider that there are no other public rights of way on their land.  If anyone considers that that there are actually paths on the Graythwaite Estate that have come into existence through long usage by the public that are not on this map – then they need to claim them through the modification order process, otherwise they will effectively be lost.

If you have any comments to make or consider there are unrecorded rights of way over this land, please reply by email no later than 30 August 2023.

Many thanks.

Nick Thorne

Senior Rights of Way Officer

Lake District National Park Authority

01539 792621

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